A Cautionary Word


I wanted to briefly state my purpose in creating this blog before you commence reading. I did not design this page nor do I post these trite and nonsensical ramblings of a girl who's losing her mind, surpringly quickly I may add, in order to advocate eating disorders of any variety. I make no apologies for my candid yet humble outpourings of a troubled soul; I attempt to make enough amends with myself and loved ones daily. Rather, the confines of my brain are simply becoming too small to contain the vast amounts of thoughts that crop up daily. Thus, I write in an attempt to save whatever remnant of sanity remains within me. I write to alleviate the pressure that has become unbearable to keep encapsulated. And I write for those of you who understand the struggle and interpret my words as your own.


Tuesday, September 06, 2011


So, I have come to the realization that I have reached the much dreaded plateau.  My weight loss has utterly stalled and, in fact, keeps creeping up inch by inch.  However, I am remaining optimistic that my new weight loss plan will work.  I just really have to remain dilligent and focused and not give up, lose motivation, or become content with maintaining.  My body is becoming used to the workouts that I am doing and has gained quite a substantial amount of muscle mass.  Therefore, it really is imperative that I step up my workout intensity.  I will continue to do my 4am workouts in the morning consisting of my exercise DVDs, however, must add some high intensity cardio in the evenings such as elliptical, jogging, biking, etc.  Tomorrow, I am doing a circuit training DVD in the morning as well a plyometrics DVD in the afternoon with my girlfriends.  If I focus and work out hard, this will shock and surprise my system and help kick start my metabolism.  From here on out, I am brining work out clothes in my car to work with me each day so I can stop at the gym before coming home and squeeze in an extra half hour to 45 minute burst of cardio.  In addition, even though I feel like my body is becoming used to the caloric intake I've been consuming and may potentially be in "starvation mode," therefore clinging to extra fat cells, etc., I feel as though if I remain strong and push through with the amping up of my work out regimes, I will continue to lose and see results.  I am going to throw my body a curve ball by allowing myself to veer off of my diet one day a week.  This will drastically increase my caloric intake for the day, then I will fast the following day, and then continue forth with the 2-33 calorie a day rule five days out of the seven day week.  Therefore, my body will still have some roller coaster spins calorie wise.  Also, I must make it a point to get more rest.  My weight loss has slowed because I am retaining stress and anxiety and not getting enough rest.  I purchased Tylenol PM today which will help ensure I get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly.  Also, I fear my recent intake of apples.  I think they are far too many calories, grams of sugar, and carbohydrates.  I am going to try to avoid them or eat only small ones from here on out.  I must also up my protein intake.  Therefore, tomorrow I will have a low sodium rice cake with sugar free jam and tea for breakfast, some low fat turkey deli meat with mushrooms and mustard for lunch, pack some salmon/tuna with fat free cottage cheese or peas or squash.  Therefore, I will start eating mainly vegetables and protein (fish, chicken, low fat deli meats) and my only carbs will come from popcorn, low sodium cakes, and low carb lavash wraps (plus the veggies).  I'm ditching the apples/fruit and my only dairy source after my yogurt is gone will come from fat free cottage cheese.  This has to work!!!

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